• Why Are Your Eyes Red? 4 Possible Causes

    Do you have chronic redness in your eyes? It can be a frustrating issue. Eye redness may impact your appearance, but it can also be irritating, especially if the redness is accompanied by itching or pain. The most common causes of eye redness are allergies and lack of sleep. If those aren't issues for you, though, your eye redness could be caused by other problems. Below are three common causes of eye redness, along with other symptoms. [Read More]

  • Millennial Vision: How Technology Is Hurting Your Vision

    If you're a millennial, chances are you're glued to your electronics all day and night. There's no shame in that, but it can cause a lot of problems for your eyes in the future if you're not informed. Check out this easy guide to understand and avoid the biggest problems that electronics can cause for your eyes and vision. Eye Strain Times change, but human bodies often lag behind the times, especially with accelerating technology. [Read More]