Finding The Best Eyeglass Frames For Your Face Shape

Posted on: 23 December 2019

In the past, wearing eyeglasses was often a dreaded experience. It made people feel unattractive and was a real blow to their self esteem. However, this is not necessarily the case now. Eyeglasses are now very stylish and can actually improve a person's appearance. Knowing which type of eyeglass frames go best with each face shape makes wearing them even more enjoyable.

Round Face Shapes

Round faces are as wide as they are long. The cheeks are normally full, the chin is rounded, and the forehead is wide. Therefore, it is best to choose frames that balance out the shape of the face. Do not choose eyeglass frames that are circular because this will make the face look even rounder. Instead, choose frames that are more angled, wide, and have a definite rim. These will make the face look longer and slimmer. Choosing frames that are printed or embellished is also great for pulling the attention to the eyes and away from the roundness of the face.

Square Face Shapes

Square faces have a strong jaw line and appear more boxed in. The forehead, cheeks, and chin are broad. For this face shape, it is best to choose eyeglass frames that soften these features. Frames that are round or upturned are very suitable for square faces. This makes the features of the face look more delicate and less harsh. Choosing frames in light shades of cream, beige, or white is also a great way to soften the look of a square face.

Heart Face Shapes

Heart-shaped faces are wide at the forehead and cheekbones and much more narrow at the chin. The best frames for this face shape will make the forehead appear less wide and the chin appear less narrow. Rectangle, oval, and round frames work well at balancing out a heart-shaped face. Frames that have a wide bottom also make the chin look wider and pull the attention away from the broad forehead.

Oval Face Shapes

Oval faces are considered the perfect shape. They are longer than wide, the cheekbones are high, and the chin is narrow. Fortunately, those who have an oval face can wear almost any shape or style of eyeglass frames. Rectangle, round, or square frames work nicely for those who have oval faces. These frames help keep the face naturally balanced while also enhancing the eyes.

Choosing the proper eyeglass frames for your face can make the difference between looking stylish and overly bold. The right frames will help keep any face shape balanced and make the wearer look and feel more confident and attractive. Start looking for options from companies like SouthPark Optical Center.
